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Irial riceve il Premio Sviluppo Economico in Veneto

Irial receives the Economic Development Award in Veneto

Irial received the Economic Development Award in Veneto, 2020-2021 edition, organized by Unioncamere del Veneto to reward and promote companies that have contributed significantly to the economic and social growth of the regional territory. The award ceremony took place yesterday, February 9, 2022, at the Santa Margherita Auditorium of the University ...

by admin
Feb , 10
Irial premiata da Unioncamere del Veneto

Irial awarded by Unioncamere del Veneto

On 9 February 2022, Irial will receive a "diploma of merit" from Unioncamere del Veneto for the current year. A prestigious award for our company as part of the Economic Development Award in Veneto, the aim of which is to gratify and promote Veneto businesses that have distinguished themselves in ...

by admin
Jan , 13
Irial ottiene la certificazione ISO28000

Irial achieved ISO28000 certification

IRIAL raggiunge un nuovo importante obiettivo: lo scorso 14 gennaio 2021 ha infatti raggiunto la certificazione ISO28000 dall’ente di certificazione Bureau Veritas. ISO28000:2007 – Norma per la sicurezza nella catena di fornitura – è uno standard ISO pubblicato dall’Organizzazione Internazionale di Standardizzazione che include i requisiti della gestione del sistema...

by admin
Feb , 8

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